陸醫學研究「把台灣納一省」 《刺胳針》全文刊登衛福部抗議信

▲陸醫學研究「把台灣納一省」登國際權威期刊 The Lancet全文刊登抗議信。(圖/翻攝The Lancet)



國際頂尖的醫學期刊《刺胳針(The Lancet)》6月25日登出一篇中國的醫學研究,文中圖表把台灣列為中國一省,引發醫界、學界抗議,衛福部長陳時中也在第一時間向期刊編輯部說明,也透過外交部駐英代表處遞交抗議信,今(16)日凌晨已全文刊登於期刊網站上。

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陳時中表示,台灣是一個主權國家,並非任何其他國家的一部份,此是不爭的事實,《刺胳針》網路刊登中國學者「Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017」的論文中,將台灣與「中國各省的平均值」相比,研究方法偏頗有違學術倫理之虞,加上雙方的衛生環境、醫療水準和公衛體系完全不同,所引用統計數據來源及蒐集方法差異甚巨,結果不具公共衛生參考價值且有損該期刊權威性和公信力。


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The Lancet刊載之全文如下:

Taiwan’s health-care system and administration are independent of China

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As the Taiwan Minister of Health and Welfare, I am writing to make a formal protest against the erroneous designation of Taiwan as a province of China in the systematic analysis of mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 1990–2017 for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.

Taiwan is a sovereign democratic country, not part of any other. This is an undisputed fact. Our president and parliament are democratically elected. Taiwan takes pride in its democracy. It is not part of China. The people of Taiwan have repeatedly reiterated their expectation for maintaining the status quo.

Taiwan was listed as a province of China and included in the tables in the Article.1 However, Taiwan’s hygienic conditions, health –care standards, and public health systems are completely different to those of China. Taiwan and China also use distinctly different methods to collect statistical data from different sources. The investigators compared the data of Taiwan with China’s national mean by using biased and academically unethical methodologies. The results, therefore, are of no value to the field of public health and might be detrimental to the journal’s prestigiousness and credibility.

On behalf of the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare and the people of Taiwan, I hereby formally protest and demand that The Lancet make a correction.

I am the Minister of Health and Welfare, Republic of China (Taiwan).
Shih-Chung Chen
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taipei City 11558, Republic of China (Taiwan)